MO Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
Employment Services Plus for TBI
Vocational services for individuals who have experienced a brain injury include employment preparedness, job development, and employment retention services such as:
- Identifying and refining realistic vocational goals
- Determining accommodations that will be needed for successful employment
- Preparing for interviews
- Securing a job offer
- Self-advocacy
- Negotiating accommodations
Return to work for individuals with brain injury is a very specialized service we offer through Vocational Rehabilitation that supports individuals in returning to their career after an injury.
To determine your eligibility for MO Department of Vocational Services, click on this link:
MO DHSS Adult Brain Injury
Adjustment Counseling
Adjustment counseling involves in-office psychotherapy to help individuals with TBI better adjust to the challenges of living with TBI. This service is provided to individuals but may also include family and friends of the individuals' choosing. This service focuses on developing strategies to cope with change and loss of function due to the TBI.
Transitional Home and Community Support
This service assists individuals with brain injury gain the skills needed for independent living and participation in the community. Supports include budgeting, safety, accessing transportation, participating in community activities, cooking and nutrition, problem solving, and memory strategies. For more information about how to qualify for this service, click on this link:
Prevocational Training (PreVoc)
This service uses actual work experience to promote the participant’s utilization of behavioral and/or cognitive compensatory strategies in a facility-based or a community site work setting. Specific target goals are identified for interventions such as production rate, inappropriate social behavior, or fatigue that are barriers to direct vocational placement or entry into Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services.
Supported Employment Long-term Follow Along (LTFA)
Supported Employment/Follow Along is a service that provides continued support and training in an integrated work setting for participants who have completed the Supported Employment Program through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and require additional intervention.
Special Instruction
This service consists of tutoring/instruction by qualified staff for specific subjects, targeted compensatory strategies, or skills related to achievement of the long-term goal in Program Treatment Service Plan. Examples of this service include special tutoring for: College courses; General Education Diploma (GED) preparation, An adaptive skill such as one-handed typing; Driver’s license exam; and Learning the use of assistive technology devices, etc.
The Brain Injury Foundation of St. Louis collaborates with Dr. Hillel Goldstein to provide psychotherapy and counseling to ABI survivors and caregivers. Dr. Goldstein collaborates extensively with physicians, speech and language pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, and other behavioral health professionals. His patients are referred by hospitals, post-acute rehabilitation facilities, university clinics, the MO DHSS ABI program, and private parties.
Dr. Goldstein accepts out-of-pocket payment for psychotherapy and counseling. BIFSTL will provide a detailed invoice, upon request, to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.
To view our intake packet for psychotherapy, please click on this link: BIFSTL Psychotherapy Intake Packet 2024 (Fillable PDF).
Self Pay Services
Consultation with individuals who have brain injury, their families, caregivers, providers, or educators on matters related successful living with brain injury such as: post secondary education planning, learning strategies for all ages, identifying and locating therapy services for better outcomes, substance abuse and behavioral health related to brain injury, and independent living options.